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Category:Food & Beverages -> Food & related products -> Snacks

Country:Czech Republic

Featured companies


Country: Czech Republic
Region: Czech Republic
City: Praha 4
Street: Na Lysině 25
Phone: +420 2 61227762
Fax: +420 2 61227767
Firm Rank: 0
Welcome to Indiana s.r.o. in Prague, Czech Republic We would like to introduce our new Indiana company, the only one in the Czech Republic. For the long time we tried to found out some product what we can´t buy in our country, maybe in the whole Europe. After so many years of experience, hard work in the food business and travel around the world, we finally made a decision to start making „ the best INDIANA MEAT JERKY IN EUROPE“. Hopefully, you too will become one of the many who say: „ Your[...]